Purple Star School
Fort Campbell Army Community Services: ACS is an organization designed to provide effective and efficient programs that contribute to the readiness and well-being of Soldiers, Retirees, Civilian Employees and their Families. https://home.army.mil/campbell/index.php/acs
Military One Source: Military OneSource is your connection to information, answers and support when MilLife happens. We can help you overcome challenges, reach your goals and thrive. As a member of our military family, you have access to a wealth of tools, information and resources from the Defense Department anytime, anywhere. Eligible service members and families can also access personalized support for a range of issues. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/all-the-ways/?gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzftBOlKB28K0IH5Y0gJ2vWZb0TXvRgKLnzWQA_NrJRCUywXXYegbO3BoCC3cQAvD_BwE
Child & Youth Services https://campbell.armymwr.com/programs/cys-s
Supporting Army Families: Child & Youth Services (CYS)
At CYS, we understand the difficulties faced by Soldiers and their Families. Our aim is to help ease the tension between mission readiness and parental duty by providing quality programs for children, youth, and students. No matter where you are or when you need us, CYS is here to make life better for all Army Families.
Our programs include daycare services at your garrison or local community, school-age programs, and online tutoring. Additionally, we offer teen programs, in-home childcare, and youth sports to cater to a range of needs