School Policies
Attendance policy for TCCHS:
- Attendance and absences will be defined in accordance with the Todd County attendance policy (District Policy 09.13). Students shall not exceed six unexcused absences for the current year to be habitual truant.
- All excuse slips must be turned into the front office within 3 school days upon returning to school.
- If a student has to be in court –a letter form the courthouse is required for approval of absence
- Documentation for Drivers license/Permit is required for approval of absence
- College Visits (2 days for Senior & 1 day for Juniors) must be pre-approved in guidance and documentation from the college is required for approval
- For COVID cases a note from either the health department or the dr. office is required for approval
- All students are allowed five parent notes for the year and five tardy notes for the year.