Todd County Schools Early Release Friday, December 15, 2023 Todd County Schools will have early release Friday, December 15, 2023.Horizons Academy 1:10STES, NTES 1:25TCMS 1:10TCCHS 1:13We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
TCCHS teacher receives National Board Certification Congratulations to TCCHS teacher Victoria Jenkins on receiving her National Board Certification! This is such a big accomplishment and we are so proud of her!
TCCHS Students Invited to Varsity Spirit Spectacular Natalie Shemwell and Chessany Artis from Todd County Central High School in Elkton, Kentucky will participate with more than 800 high school dancers and cheerleaders from across the country that will represent the camp brands of Varsity Spirit in the Varsity Spirit Spectacular at the Walt Disney World® Resort in Orlando, Florida from November 17 - November 20, 2023.
Amy Chester Chosen As New Community Education Director Todd County Schools Superintendent Mark Thomas announces the new Community Education Director, Amy Chester. He said, “We are excited to have Mrs. Chester joining our school district and working in the capacity of Community Education Director.”
North Todd Elementary Veterans Day Program NTES Veterans Day Program will be Monday, November 13, 2023 5:00 PM in the NTES gym.
Welcome Back! Welcome back all Todd County students, staff, and faculty. We hope you had a great Fall Break!