Vocational Developing Career Options Freshman-Mrs. Poe
Assignment Calendar
Course Description
Welcome to Developing Career Options 600184
Developing Career Options is a course at the secondary level focusing on orientation to careers. Course content includes orientation to 16 career clusters, employability skills, self-management and work ethics. Opportunities are provided for development of problem solving, decision making and reasoning through school and work-based learning experience. Special focus is the Kentucky Employability and Foundational Academic Standards. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs. The following standards are addressed in this course:
Student explores careers and takes a variety of self-inventory assessments to learn what student's personal talents and interests are to a career choice of his or/her own.
Student participates in money skills to: identify coins and bills; add/subtract liked coins; add/subtract various coins; bills to complete assignments at school/work; simple budgeting and keeps track of money and expenses.
Student demonstrates job etiquette such as social skills that include the use of good manners, practice ethical behavior, dress appropriately, greets people in a polite and courteous way, attending classes/job sites regularly, listens to and adhere to staff requests.
Student demonstrates proper employability skills while participating in classroom and school jobs such as uses charts, guides, and written directions to complete tasks and work assignments, participates in solving problems and uses various technology tools to complete task