Developing Leadership Skills Sophomores and above-Mrs. Poe
Assignment Calendar
Course Description
Welcome to Developing Leadership Skills 6001190
Developing Leadership Skills is designed to assist students with developing skills needed to be successful leaders and responsible member of society. This student will develop personal attributes and social skills. Emphasis will be placed on interpersonal skills, team building, communication, personal development and leadership. This course will include opportunities for students to apply their knowledge. Special focus is given to the Kentucky alternated assessment aligned to the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) and the Kentucky Employability and Foundational Academic Standards. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs. This course may apply to any of the career clusters and should be aligned to the individual students' postsecondary goals. The following standards are addressed in this course:
Student assumes responsibility for behavior and actions at the worksite.
Student exhibits a good outlook toward work assignments.
Student shares ideas and suggestions when making decisions as a group.
Student works cooperatively with others.
Student uses a variety of communications skills (e.g., talking, listening, reading, facial and body language)
Student knows how to listen and when to ask questions.
Student uses social media in a proper manner at school and work.
Student knows, follows and practices safety rules at the worksite.
Student meets timelines for completing assigned tasks.
Student leaves and returns from breaks on time.