Animal Science Assignments

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NTI Day 1

NTI Day 1 

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 

Standard OA1: Discuss the interrelationships between agriculture commodities based on economic, geographic, and production factors.

  1. What is the total amount of land marked for sale in this article? 
  2. In your own opinion, why do you feel the children of the family farm mentioned in the article decided to sell the land from their family farm? (2-3 Sentences)  
  3. Analyze why the increased sale price of land is a concern for agriculturists, discuss the impact this change in pricing could have on the future of the agricultural industry. (4-5 Sentences) 


NTI Day 2

NTI Day 2 

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 

Strategy OC8: Differentiate various watering techniques to control and manage plant growth through biological, chemical, cultural, and mechanical means.

  1. Using information stated in the article, summarize the importance irrigation plays in agriculture. (2-3 Sentences) 
  2. Explain how irrigation techniques and/or strategies has adapted over centuries since ancient civilization. (2-3 Sentences)   
  3. Analyze the negative impact of irrigation on production agriculture. (3-4 Sentences) 


NTI Day 3

NTI Day 3 

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 

Standard OB10: Identify common agronomic crops grown in Kentucky, e.g., corn, wheat, soybeans.

  1. Based on the article, define grain. 
  2. Based on the article, why is grain consumption essential for people? (2-3 Sentences) 
  3. Based on the article, what are other byproducts of grain besides use for human consumption? (List 3) 
  4. Based on the article, analyze why crop loss/damage of any kind has such a negative impact on the food industry.(3-4 Sentences)
  5. According to the article less farmers have huge fields of grain. Why do you feel that is? (3-4 Sentences) 


NTI Day 4

NTI Day 4

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 

Standard OA4: Identify and explain environmental and safety concerns about the food supply.

  1. Choose a side in the Food Aid Controversy. You either support or do not support the aid, defend your selection based on facts acquired from the article. (4-5 Sentences) 
  2. In your opinion what are possible options consumers can take to increase their own food security. (3-4 Sentences) 
  3. In your opinion what are possible options that producers could take to increase their market share in terms of food contributed? (3-4 Sentences) 


NTI Day 5

NTI Day 5 

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 

Standard OB3: Discuss agricultural practices that negatively impact the environment and natural resources.

  1. Summarize the relationship between increasing human population and freshwater supply.  (3-4 Sentences) 
  2. In your opinion where and why are water shortages occurring? What steps can be taken to conserve water? (4-5 Sentences) 


NTI Day 6

NTI Day 6

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 


AC1: Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes, e.g., analyze reliable/unreliable sources of information, use previous experiences, implement crisis management, develop contingency planning

AC2: Utilize innovation and problem-solving skills to arrive at the best solution for the current situation

  1. With agriculture creating numerous environmental impacts on the environment which agricultural practice listed in the article has the worst impact. (5-6 Sentences) 


NTI Day 7

NTI Day 7

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 


AC1: Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes, e.g., analyze reliable/unreliable sources of information, use previous experiences, implement crisis management, develop contingency planning

AC2: Utilize innovation and problem-solving skills to arrive at the best solution for the current situation

  1. Of the agricultural issues discussed in the article justify which you feel is the most detrimental to agriculture? (8-12 Sentences) 


NTI Day 8

NTI Day 8

Instructions: Using the attached article answer the following questions completely making sure responses are sound and meet length requirements. 


AC1: Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes, e.g., analyze reliable/unreliable sources of information, use previous experiences, implement crisis management, develop contingency planning

AC2: Utilize innovation and problem-solving skills to arrive at the best solution for the current situation,or%20raise%20chickens%20for%20eggs.

  1. Of the reasons of importance for agricultural education listed in the article,  which do you feel is the most necessary and why? How can you educate others in your community about agriculture? (8-12 Sentences) 


NTI Day 9

NTI Day 9

Instructions: Using any prior knowledge you have on agriculture or the agricultural industry complete the response below. Be sure to meet length requirements. 


AC1: Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes, e.g., analyze reliable/unreliable sources of information, use previous experiences, implement crisis management, develop contingency planning

AC2: Utilize innovation and problem-solving skills to arrive at the best solution for the current situation

  1. Outline the importance agriculture plays in your daily life.Discuss techniques that could be implemented by you and your peers that could advocate for agriculture and the agriculture industry? (8-12 sentences) 


NTI Day 10

NTI Day 10 

Instructions: Using any prior knowledge you have on agriculture or the agricultural industry complete the response below. Be sure to meet length requirements. 


AC1: Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes, e.g., analyze reliable/unreliable sources of information, use previous experiences, implement crisis management, develop contingency planning

AC2: Utilize innovation and problem-solving skills to arrive at the best solution for the current situation

  1. Analyze why it is important for non-farmers to know what goes into production agriculture? What are some strategies you and peers could use to educate others about not just the importance of agriculture but what it takes to be a farmer. (8-12 sentences)